Broken pumps are a great way to get free motors for projects! Got this one for free with cracked pump casting so the motor was bound to be scrapped. In this video I show you how I make all necessary parts to convert this pump to a belt grinder motor and cast a fitting aluminum drive wheel all without using a lathe.

Just a little disclaimer:
Of course this is not the best motor for a belt grinder.
Of course this is not the best way to make a drive wheel and for sure it’s also not the safest method to turn a true wheel on a motor.
This is just my own way of doing it, I just want to have fun and experiment with tools limitations to prove it can be done with decent results.
Fun fact:
This drivewheel runs more true than the one I have mounted on the 2×72 belt grinder. And that was turned on the lathe! (mind you, turned by me, so it’s no surprise)

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